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Migration guide for ct.js v2.0.

December 22, 2021

Migration guide for ct.js v2.0.

Changes to copies' rotation property, or "My copies spin like propellers"

Previously rotation was proxying pixi.js' same-named parameter, which was measured in radians. It was made to preserve compatibility with older projects, those which were created before v1 emerged. We dropped this proxy to better conform to pixi.js' behavior and remove unexpected inconsistencies when working both with ct.js and pixi.js entities.

Pixi.js has a built-in angle property that is measured in degrees, so:

Types are now called "Templates"


It is something that I, the creator of ct.js, wanted to change for a whopping five years or so. Most names in ct.js were made with poor knowledge of the English language, and contrary to the internal properties and niche things like "code injects" (which are to be named "code injections"), "types" are something that every ct.js user writes daily.

Templates are a better word for the entities from which ct.js' copies are created, especially when translating ct.js to other languages, and are also more language-neutral. After all, there are just six types in ct.js, and none of them is an old ct.js type.

"Templates" will also make more sense when ct.js supports templates based on classes different than simple animated sprites: the idea is to allow making buttons, panel templates, and utilize cool stuff like spline terrain. While all that will come later, it is better to make small transitions now — to ease future migrations.

How this affects you and your projects:


ct.templates.make, ct.templates.copy.

ct.templates.make was removed as no one really used it.

There are now two separate methods for spawning copies, though:

Note that arguments shifted a bit in ct.templates.copyIntoRoom(type, x, y, container, exts) compared to the previous ct.templates.copy method.

ct.templates.copyIntoRoom will throw an error if container is not set. The whole separation into two methods is to make copy creation more failsafe and to exclude situations like when you pass ct.rooms.list['NonExistentRoomName'][0] as a container and then get a copy inside the main room without any warnings.

ct.u.rotate, ct.u.rotateRad, ct.u.uiToGameCoord, ct.u.gameToUiCoord now return PIXI.Point instead of arrays

PIXI.Point are objects with x, y properties plus a few handy methods for copying them.,, and all do the same as well as they are dependant on these methods. changed to be both more efficient and easy to use

  1., now work both for copies and tiles, so you need just them instead of adding an additional check. Additionally, all the tracing functions now work with tiles as well.
  2. The multiple argument was removed from and Instead, there are now methods and, to make code more readable. You may need to rewrite some code to make it work for multiple copies again.
  3. is renamed to, and is accompanied with
  4. Additionally, now supports and respects collision shapes of tiles. It is currently of little use with large tilesets, but you can now have individual tiles of circular and other shapes!

See the new docs for in your ct.js' side panel.

Default ct.sound is now a catmod

Usually it won't cause any issues, but in case you have errors from ct.res about no sound systems, turn one of the sound catmods on in your project's settings.

ct.mouse and ct.touch are now deprecated in favor of ct.pointer

This causes no immediate issues, but consider using ct.pointer module in your future projects. It covers functionality of both ct.mouse and ct.touch with familiar API, as well as supports additional features like pressure reading, pen position, and an abstraction over Pointer Lock API.