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timer allows for making timers, optionally running a function when the timer reaches a certain amount of time.


// Add a timer
timer.add(1000, 'test');
// Or:
new CtTimer(1000, 'test');
// Create a new timer and remember it in a variable `timer`
// Log "Done!" when it gets to 2.5 seconds
var timer = timer.add(2500, 'test');
timer.then(() => {
    // Do something useful
    hero.invincible = false;
// The `catch` part is not necessary. Without it, though, you will
// see errors in the console when timers got interrupted,
// either manually or when you switch rooms
.catch(e => {
    console.log('Timer removed', e);
    // You can add code here so that important stuff still
    // gets executed on room switch:
    hero.invincible = false;

// Log how much time left

// Stop the timer. It won't call the code inside `then(() => {})` clause

// Trigger the timer manually

timer methods

timer.add(timeMs, name) ⇒ void

Creates a new timer that runs in gameplay time scale and is affected by time acceleration/deceleration.

timeMsNumberThe length of the timer, in milliseconds
[name]StringThe timer's name, which will be accessible from

timer.addUi(timeMs, name) ⇒ void

Creates a new timer that runs in UI time scale.

timeMsNumberThe length of the timer, in milliseconds
[name]StringThe timer's name, which will be accessible from

Timer properties

CtTimer.time ⇒ Number

The amount of time the timer has been active, in milliseconds.

CtTimer.timeLeft ⇒ Number

The amount of time left until it gets to timeMs. Defaults to 0. ⇒ String|false

The given name of a timer, or false if no name was given.

CtTimer.uiDelta ⇒ Boolean

If true, it will use u.timeUi for counting time. if false, it will use u.time for counting time.

CtTimer.promise ⇒ Promise

The promise used to execute callbacks when the timer has finished. You can use it with other promises and Promise methodsopen in new window to create complex asynchronous chains.

CtTimer.resolve ⇒ Function

Instantly triggers the promise, calling its callback.

CtTimer.reject ⇒ Function

Stops the timer by rejecting the internal promise.

CtTimer.rejected ⇒ Boolean

If true, the timer was rejected.

CtTimer.done ⇒ Boolean

If true, the timer was resolved.

CtTimer.settled ⇒ Boolean

If true, the timer was either rejected or resolved.

Timer methods

CtTimer.then ⇒ void

Mirrors CtTimer.promise.then().

Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the internal Promise.

onfulfilledAnyThe callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
[onrejected]AnyThe callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.

CtTimer.catch ⇒ void

Mirrors CtTimer.promise.catch().

Attaches callbacks for the rejection of the internal Promise.