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backgrounds has some API to work with Background objects.

Methods and properties


Contains an array of all the backgrounds of the current texture in the room. The array for this or that texture name may be absent if there are no such backgrounds yet, so you may need to check if the array itself exists before getting any of its elements.

Any backgrounds that did not use a name of a ct.js texture when created will be put into an array backgrounds.list.OTHER.

Example: Get the first background with a texture BG_Sand and make it darker

if (backgrounds.list['BG_Sand']) {
    const bg = backgrounds.list['BG_Sand'][0];
    bg.tint = 0x999999;

backgrounds.add(texName, frame, depth, container)

texNamestringThe name of a texture to be used as a background
framenumber(optional) The index of a frame to use. Defaults to 0.
depthnumber(optional) The depth to place the background at. Defaults to 0.
containerPIXI.Container(optional) Where to put the background. Defaults to, but can be set to any other room or valid pixi container.

Returns the created Background instance.


Visit the Background class documentation to learn how to tweak backgrounds' position, look, and movement.

Example: Create a background, set its opacity, and make it move horizontally

const bg = backgrounds.add('BG_SkyClouds', 0, -1000);
bg.alpha = 0.5;
bg.movementX = 1;