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September 27, 2020


The tilemap object allows making tilemaps in-game. It can also cache your tilemaps, speeding up your game noticeably, but once a tilemap is cached, it cannot be edited.

Methods of tilemaps


Creates and returns a new tilemap. depth sets the depth value of this tilemap, positioning it above or behind other objects.

Returns a newly created instance of Tilemap.

tilemaps.addTile(tilemap, textureName, x, y, frame)

Places a tile in the specified tilemap.

tilemapTilemapThe tilemap to place a tile into.
textureNamestringThe name of a ct.js texture to draw.
xnumberThe location at which a tile should be placed on the horizontal axis.
ynumberThe location at which a tile should be placed on the vertical axis.
framenumber(optional) Specifies which frame to draw. Defaults to 0.

Returns the created tile, which is a PIXI.Sprite.

tilemaps.cache(tilemap, chunkSize)

Caches a tilemap, grouping tiles into large chunks and turning them into several bitmaps. Once it is cached, it can no longer be modified.

tilemapTilemapThe tilemap to cache.
chunkSizenumber(optional) The minimum size of a chunk. Defaults to 1024.

tilemaps.cacheDiamond(tilemap, chunkSize)

Enables caching on this tileset, freezing it and turning it into a series of bitmap textures. This proides great speed boost, but prevents further editing.

This version packs tiles into rhombus-shaped chunks, and sorts them from top to bottom. This fixes seam issues for isometric games.

Note that tiles should be placed on a flat plane for the proper sorting. If you need an effect of elevation, consider shifting each tile with tile.pivot.y property.

This is the same as calling tilemap.cacheDiamond();

tilemapTilemapThe tilemap to cache.
chunkSizenumber(optional) The minimum size of a chunk. Defaults to 1024.

Methods of Tilemap

Tilemap is a subclass of PIXI.Container, and can be tinted, transformed, and moved. The methods below mostly repeat the methods of tilemaps, but are in an object-oriented style.

tilemap.addTile(textureName, x, y, frame)

Places a tile in the current tilemap.

textureNamestringThe name of a ct.js texture to draw.
xnumberThe location at which a tile should be placed on the horizontal axis.
ynumberThe location at which a tile should be placed on the vertical axis.
framenumber(optional) Specifies which frame to draw. Defaults to 0.


Caches the tilemap, grouping tiles into large chunks and turning them into several bitmaps. Once it is cached, it can no longer be modified.

chunkSizenumber(optional) The minimum size of a chunk. Defaults to 1024.


Caches the tilemap, grouping tiles into large chunks and turning them into several bitmaps. Once it is cached, it can no longer be modified.

This version packs tiles into rhombus-shaped chunks, and sorts them from top to bottom. This fixes seam issues for isometric games.

Note that tiles should be placed on a flat plane for the proper sorting. If you need an effect of elevation, consider shifting each tile with tile.pivot.y property.

chunkSizenumber(optional) The minimum size of a chunk. Defaults to 1024.

Example: Create a row of tiles with different texture's frames

this.tilemap = tilemaps.create(-100);
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    tilemaps.addTile(this.tilemap, 'Tiles', i*64, 0, i);

Example: Generate a map made of bricks and Perlin noise, and enable collisions

You will need a noise module enabled in your project, place, and a texture named RockTile.

const tilemap = tilemaps.create(-100);
noise.setSeed(); // Randomize the seed on each start

// Assuming you have a texture called 'RockTile' which is 64x64px in size.
for (var x = 0; x < camera.width / 64; x++) {
    for (var y = 0; y < camera.height / 64; y++) {
        var value = noise.simplex2d(x / 7, y / 7); // Returns a value from -1 to 1.
        if (value > 0) {
            const tile = tilemap.addTile('RockTile', x*64, y*64);
            // Tiles are PIXI.Sprites; we can tweak their color and opacity before caching
            tile.alpha = value * 0.5 + 0.5;

place.enableTilemapCollisions(tilemap, 'Solid');