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Extending ct.js' gameplay loop with injections

Extending ct.js' gameplay loop with injections

Injections are a powerful instrument to extend functionality of ct.js framework beyond adding methods or properties. It allows you to add logic to a game loop, load resources, create bundled Templates, etc.

The injections folder inside your module's directory accepts files with code that will be injected while exporting a game. All of them are optional, and here is a list of all the possible injections:

General events:

  • load.js – fired once when a game's code has loaded, but nothing still happened, e.g. no resources were loaded;
  • start.js – fired once when all the game's resources have been loaded. No game logic have been run yet.
  • switch.js – fired each time when a room is switched, but before any other code. Here, a room variable is a name of the new room.

Room-specific events:

  • beforeroomoncreate.js — fired before a room is created, but after a camera and renderer are set.
  • roomoncreate.js – fired after entering a new room. This code is evaluated after user-defined OnCreate code, when all the copies were created. Here, this equals to a new room.
  • roomonleave.js – fired before leaving a room, but before any user's script. Copies still exist here.
  • beforeroomdraw.js
  • afterroomdraw.js
  • beforeroomstep.js
  • afterroomstep.js

Copy-specific events:

  • onbeforecreate.js — applied to a newly created Copy, before its OnCreate event, but after its type information was applied. Works with bare Copies (copies of no template) as well.
  • oncreate.js – applied to a newly created Copy, right after its own OnCreate event.
  • ondestroy.js – applied to a Copy before it gets deleted. This code is called before a Copy's OnDestroy event.
  • beforedraw.js
  • beforestep.js
  • afterdraw.js
  • afterstep.js

Templating and utilities:

  • css.css – injects CSS into an exported game.
  • res.js – called once while parsing loaded images.
  • resload.js – called once after all the resources were loaded.
  • templates.js – here you can place your own Templates.
  • styles.js – here you can place your own drawing styles.
  • htmltop.html – this code is placed right before the drawing canvas.
  • htmlbottom.html – this code is placed right after the drawing canvas.

Also see Call order with mod's injections for a more complete picture of call order.


Each injection can substitute a special label with a value from your settings. If you defined a setting field with a key enableSockets, then all matches with /*%enableSockets%*/ in js, css, and html files will be replaced with user's chosen value.

Be wary, as a field may return an empty value. In JavaScript, you may use this wrapper to safely read a variable without breaking syntax: [/*%enableSockets%*/][0]. This will return either the defined value or undefined.


Templating is also supported in your index.js file.