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August 8, 2023


sounds namespace stores methods that let you play sound effects in your game, apply filters to them, and change their volume. The sound editor also allows you to set ranged values for filters (pitch, distortion, reverb, etc.) to add some variety. For example, it's useful to slightly change the pitch of step or coin sounds to make them less repetitive and monotonous.
Besides, you now can add variant(s) to a sound so, when a sound is played, one of the variants will be randomly played.

Technical information

Since v4, ctjs uses pixi-sound under the hood. You can get instances of the Sound class in res.pixiSounds dictionary.

Playing and working with sounds

Most of the time, you will play a sound like this:


If the sound is a music track, you can loop it like this:

JavaScript'MyTrack', { loop: true }); string, options?: object)

Plays a sound created in ctjs.

namestringSound's name
optionsobject(optional) Options used for sound playback.
options.startnumberStart time offset, in seconds.
options.endnumberEnd time, in seconds.
options.loopbooleanWhether to loop the sound or not.
options.filtersfilters.Filter[]pixi-sound filters to apply.
options.completeFunctionA callback that is called when the sound has finished playing.
options.loadedFunctionIf the sound is not already preloaded, this function will be called when the sound asset finishes loading.
options.mutedbooleanIf sound instance is muted by default.
options.singleInstancebooleanSetting true will stop any playing instances.
options.speednumberOverride playback speed; defaults to the Sound's speed setting.
options.volumenumberOverride the sound's volume.

Returns Either a sound instance, or a promise that resolves into a sound instance.
See IMediaInstance.

sounds.playAt(name: string, position: {x: number, y: number}, options?: object)

Plays a 3D sound in the specified position. You can set the position argument to a copy, and the sound will follow the copy when it moves. To make the sound immovable, pass an object with unchanging x, y keys. The options object is the same as for method.

Example: Play a 3D sound that follows the current copy

sounds.playAt('MySound', this);

Example: Play a 3D sound under the current copy, but don't follow it

sounds.playAt('MySound', {x: this.x, y: this.y});

sounds.stop(name?: string | IMediaInstance)

Stops the specified sound if a name is specified. Otherwise, it stops all the sounds in a game.

sounds.pause(name?: string)

Pauses the specified sound if a name is specified. Otherwise, it pauses all the sounds in a game.

sounds.resume(name?: string)

Resumes the specified sound if a name is specified. Otherwise, it resumes all the sounds in a game.

Returns Boolean.

sounds.playing(name?: string)

Returns whether a sound is currently playing if a name is specified, otherwise if any sound is currently playing.

Returns Boolean.

sounds.volume(name: string | IMediaInstance, volume?: number)

Get or set the volume for a sound, where volume is a value from 0 to 1, with 1 being 100% volume. If volume is not specified, it will return the existing volume instead.

Returns Number. The current/new volume of the sound.

sounds.globalVolume(value: number)

Set the global volume for all sounds. volume is a value from 0 to 1, with 1 being 100% volume.

sounds.speed(name: string | IMediaInstance, value?: number)

Set the speed (playback rate) of a sound, where 1 is 100%.
If value is not specified, it will return the existing speed.

Returns Number. The current/new speed of the sound.

sounds.speedAll(value: number)

Same as above but for all sounds.


Toggle muted property for all sounds.

Returns Boolean. true if all sounds are muted.


Toggle paused property for all sounds.

Returns Boolean. true if all sounds are paused.

sounds.fade(name?: string | IMediaInstance | SoundLibrary, newVolume?, duration?)

Fades a sound to a given volume. Can affect either a specific instance or the whole group.

namestringSound's name or instance to affect. If null, all sounds are faded.
newVolumenumber(optional) The new volume where 1 is 100%. Default is 0.
durationnumber(optional) The duration of transition, in milliseconds. Default is 1000.
// Fade-out all sounds to volume 0 (by default) in 1000 milliseconds (by default).
// Fade-in 'MySound' to volume 1 in 2000 milliseconds.
sounds.fade('MySound', 1, 2000);

Adding filters to sounds

sounds.addDistortion(sound: string, amount: number)

Adds a distortion filter.

namestringThe name of the sound to affect. If set to false, applies the filter globally.
amountnumberThe amount of distortion from 0 to 1. Default is 0.

sounds.addEqualizer(sound: string, f32: number, f64: number, f125: number, f250: number, f500: number, f1k: number, f2k: number, f4k: number, f8k: number, f16k: number)

Adds an equalizer filter.

namestringThe name of the sound to affect. If set to false, applies the filter globally.
Band frequencesnumberDefault gain for each band frequence. Default is 0. Recommended values range from -40 to 40.

sounds.addMonoFilter(sound: string)

Combine all channels into mono channel.

namestringThe name of the sound to affect. If set to false, applies the filter globally.

sounds.addReverb(sound: string, seconds: number, decay: number, reverse: boolean)

Adds a reverb filter.

namestringThe name of the sound to affect. If set to false, applies the filter globally.
secondsnumberSeconds for reverb. Default is 3.
decaynumberThe decay length. Default is 2.
reversebooleanReverse reverb. Default is false.

sounds.addStereoFilter(sound: string, pan: number)

Adds a filter for stereo panning.

namestringThe name of the sound to affect. If set to false, applies the filter globally.
pannumberThe amount of panning, -1 is left, 1 is right, 0 is centered. Default is 0.

sounds.addTelephone(sound: string)

Adds a telephone-sound filter.

namestringThe name of the sound to affect. If set to false, applies the filter globally.

NB: You can add several filters to the same sound.

sounds.addReverb('MySound', 5, 7);
// If the sound is not already playing, it won't be played until you use the 'play' method.'MySound');

sounds.removeFilter(name: string, filter?: string)

Remove a filter to the specified sound or to all sounds if name is set to false.
Also, if filter is omitted, all filters are removed.

Misc methods

sounds.exists(name: string)

Returns whether a sound with the specified name was added to the game.
This doesn't tell whether it is fully loaded or not, it only checks for existance of sound's metadata in your game.

sounds.load(name: string)

Preloads a sound. This is usually applied to music files before playing that are not preloaded by default.

Returns A promise that resolves into the name of the loaded sound asset.

Example: Preloading the background music before switching to a room

.then(() => {

Example: Preloading several sound assets before switching to a room

var soundsToLoad = [],
    soundsNames = ['AmbientMusic', 'BattleMusic', 'VictoryMusic'];

for (var sound of soundNames) {

Promise.all(soundsToLoad).then(() => {