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February 20, 2019


This object manages your rooms and current view (camera).

Methods and properties


The current room's object.


Calls the latest room's onleave event and moves to a new room.


Calls this room's onleave event and restarts it.


Destroys all the existing copies in the room.


Existing rooms to switch to.


Similar to templates.list, this object contains arrays of rooms on the current stage. These may be useful when you have a lot of UI widgets on the screen and need to manage them.


This method safely removes a previously appended/prepended room from the stage. It will trigger "On Leave" for a room and "On Destroy" event for all the copies of the removed room. The room will also have this.kill set to true in its event, if it comes in handy. This method cannot remove rooms.current, the main room. The room argument must be a reference to the previously created room, for example:

if (actions.TogglePause.released) {
    if (!this.pauseMenu) { // if a parameter `pauseMenu` is not set
        this.pauseMenu = rooms.append('UI_Pause'); // create a room, and set it to a parameter `pauseMenu`
    } else {

How does a copy know that its "On Destroy" event is triggered from a removed room, that it was not the main one? Well, each copy has a method getRoom(), and you can use it with room.kill property:

// Let's suppose that we have a modular level and some chunks shoud be loaded/unloaded dynamically,
// and this particular copy is a bomb that shouldn't trigger if its chunk is unloaded.
if (this.getRoom().kill) {
    return; // effectively breaks the execution of the next code

rooms.append('NameOfTheRoom', ext) and rooms.prepend('NameOfTheRoom', ext)

Adds a new room to the current stage and puts it above or behind all the copies in your room. With these methods, you can reuse UI, backgrounds and environment effects. Note that these layers will have a different draw stack than in your main room and won't sort together. For that behaviour, use rooms.merge instead (see below).

The ext parameter can be used to apply additional parameters to a new room. For example, if you call rooms.append('Background', {color: 0x446ADB}), then the room "Background" will have this.color available in its "On Create" and other events.

To create a UI layer, use this code:

rooms.append('YourUiRoom', {
    isUi: true


This method puts all the entities of the given room into the current one. This is useful for prefabs and procedular generation. Note that the room's "On Create" event, as well as others, are not called. This method returns an object with three properties copies, tileLayers, and backgrounds. You can loop over them to position them properly, for example:

var spawnX = 100,
    spawnY = 500;
var merged = rooms.merge('AssasinsSet');

// Suppose that we don't need any backgrounds and tile layers from it
for (const copy of merged.copies) {
    copy.xstart += spawnX;
    copy.x += spawnX;
    copy.ystart += spawnY;
    copy.y += spawnY;


The result of the function is not updated and is meant for initial setup only. It should not be stored as a parameter of an object to avoid memory leaks. Use the var keyword, as shown above.